COVID-19 Updates
Dear Valued Patients,
I am writing to you to update you on our office’s status, but first I hope everyone is staying safe during this pandemic. We all have affected by the Covid-19 and Shelter in Place order, and many of us have experienced financial turmoil, health crises, or even lost loved ones. I would like to offer my heartfelt condolences to those of you have been negatively affected.
Our office closed for elective, non-emergent dental work on March 18, 2020, in compliance with the Solano County Health Services Order. Since that time, I have attended many webinars to stay informed and working diligently to make sure our office would be prepared when office is reopened. I want to reassure you that our office practices Standard Precautions and Universal Precautions, met or exceeded CDC, OSHA, and state regulatory requirements. I take pride to assure you that our office was and will be one of the safest places to receive your dental treatment.
Beginning in June, we plan to reopen our office in a manner that allows us to comply with social distancing practices. We kindly ask all patients to keep their masks on until they are being seated in their room. We will take your temperature upon your arrival, and there will be questions and consent form that need to be filled out and signed before each visit. Our waiting room and sitting area will be closed during the pandemic, so we will ask you to complete your forms in your car and wait until your room is ready. The safety of our patients and team members is one of our highest responsibilities, and we take it seriously.
This coronavirus pandemic has been an unprecedented time in our lives, but I have no doubt that we will get through this together and our community will bounce back stronger than ever. I would like to take this opportunity to show my deeply appreciation to all the first responders, doctors and nurses on the front line by offering them an appreciation program until the end of 2020. We look forward to welcoming back our Valued Patients, friends and neighbors to our office, and many thanks to your continue supports and referrals. Please call to schedule your follow up appointments.
Teresina Wong, DDS